Chiropractic Care for Infants and Children

Most people are not shocked when they hear about a chiropractor treating someone for back pain, neck discomfort, or even headaches. But fewer people are familiar with the idea that chiropractic care can be extremely beneficial for infants and children. Chiropractic is safe for people of all ages, from a minutes-old baby to a great-great-grandparent. It can help both sick and healthy people achieve and maintain optimal health, no matter what they’re facing in life or how old (or young!) they are.

Pediatric Chiropractic Starts at Birth

As soon as your little one is born, he or she can start receiving chiropractic adjustments. While babies already have some of the strongest immune systems, a chiropractor can help them begin life with spinal alignment and the most effectively functioning body possible. The birthing process can be traumatic for a baby, and research shows that about 75% of newborns have some sort of spinal subluxation, or misalignment. A variety of things can cause this, including a very long labor, a very short labor, or an assisted extraction.

While you may not think that a baby needs to be adjusted, rest assured that starting them off with a perfectly aligned spine will lead to an easier infancy that includes more restful nights, more peaceful days, better digestion, and an all-around happier baby. If your newborn starts life with an interruption in his or her spinal communication, problems could arise in the future that could have been prevented with earlier chiropractic care.

And don’t worry—our chiropractors at Vitality Precision Chiropractic use the gentlest adjustments on newborns. The pressure they use to gently move vertebrae is the same pressure you would use to test the ripeness of a fruit or vegetable at your local grocery store. It is incredibly light and gentle, and it never causes pain to your baby.

Pediatric Chiropractic for Kids

We all know children tend to be rambunctious and a bit reckless. From playing sports to wrestling with siblings to jumping off of the highest structure they can find, kids are rough on their little bodies. While they’re less likely to complain of back or neck pain than adults, almost all kids have subluxations that can easily be corrected with pediatric chiropractic care.

In our office, we see kids of all ages, from young toddlers to high school athletes, and worldwide chiropractic research shows that kids can benefit from pediatric chiropractic care in so many ways, including helping with bedwetting and sleep problems, improving behavior issues, eradicating allergies, ear infections, and other sickness, and so much more.

When you’re ready to embrace chiropractic care for the infants and children in your life, be sure to contact Dr. Brendan and Dr. Tom at Vitality Precision Chiropractic.