3 Ways a Chiropractor Can Help After an Auto Accident

On average, there are about 5 million car accident across the nation each year.  While most of these accidents are minor fender benders, they can cause pain.  In fact, in most auto accidents, symptoms of pain or side effects of the auto accident don’t manifest themselves until a day or two after the accident.  The rule of thumb for most auto accidents is that if there is damage to your car, there is also damage to your body in some way, shape, or form.  The most common symptoms after a car accident are back or neck pain.  Thankfully, Rochester Hills chiropractors specialize in providing optimal health through the central nervous system, and that includes being experts in back and neck pain relief caused by auto accidents.



One of the most common complaints, especially after being hit from behind, is whiplash.  Rear ended whiplash occurs when the head is forced forward and then slammed backward.  Whiplash symptoms can be painful and may not be noticeable until the day after an accident.  Symptoms of whiplash include painful, stiff neck muscles, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, and limited range of motion in the neck.  If not addressed, symptoms of whiplash can be long-lasting and extremely painful.  Chiropractic care from a Rochester Hills chiropractor can reduce muscle stiffness, restore range of motion, and decrease pain.  Also, chiropractic care provides faster healing for whiplash pain to provide quick relief and avoid long-term pain.


Back Pain

Auto accidents can also lead to back injuries.  The force of crashes can affect the spine, causing spinal misalignments.  If left for long periods of time, spinal misalignments will not only lead to back pain, but can also cause dysfunction within the body that can cause other major health concerns.  For example, spinal misalignments can affect posture, digestion, and even blood circulation.  Dr. Brendan Shanahan and Dr. Thomas Madigan of Vitality Precision Chiropractic focus on improving spinal health to relieve pain and address dysfunction due to nerve interference.  If you notice symptoms of back pain after an auto accident, no matter how minor, Rochester Hills chiropractors Dr. Brendan Shanahan and Dr. Thomas Madigan want to help.


Natural Relief

After an auto accident, when the pain sets in, many may reach for medication in an attempt to relieve neck or back pain.  But what you may not realize is that medication is only a short-term solution that wears off over time, causing pain to return with a vengeance.  Not only that, but medication may also cause additional side effects that only exacerbate the situation.  Chiropractic care is a natural method for pain relief that offers long-term results so you can experience complete relief and a better quality of life.


If an auto accident has you in pain, find long-term relief with chiropractic care from Rochester Hills chiropractors Dr. Madigan and Dr. Shanahan. Contact the offices of Vitality Precision Chiropractic to find true and lasting relief after an auto accident.