4 Things to Know About Lower Crossed Syndrome

4 Things to Know About Lower Crossed Syndrome

Have you ever felt pain or discomfort in your lower back, hips, or legs after a long day of sitting at a desk or engaging in activities that require you to stay in one position for too long? If so, you might be experiencing lower crossed syndrome. This is a condition where some muscles in your lower back and hips become too tight and overactive, while others become weak and underactive. The good news is that care from a Rochester Hills chiropractor can help address the underlying causes of lower crossed syndrome and provide long-lasting relief.

A Lack of Movement Is the Main Cause

Lower crossed syndrome is caused by an imbalance in the muscles that support the pelvis and spine. The condition is characterized by tightness in the hip flexors and lower back muscles and weakness in the gluteal and abdominal muscles. This muscle imbalance creates an irregular curvature in the lower back, leading to pain and discomfort. Poor posture, prolonged periods of sitting, and inadequate exercise are some of the most common causes of lower crossed syndrome.

Symptoms May Present Throughout the Body

Lower crossed syndrome can cause a variety of symptoms, including chronic lower back pain, hip pain, and discomfort in the legs and feet. Other symptoms may include difficulty standing up straight, poor posture, and decreased flexibility in the lower back and hips. In some cases, lower crossed syndrome can also cause sciatica, a condition in which pain radiates down the leg due to pressure on the sciatic nerve.

Chiropractic Care Can Offer Relief

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and drug-free approach to treating lower crossed syndrome. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to address the underlying causes of the condition, including spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and exercise rehabilitation. Spinal adjustments can help realign the spine, reducing pressure on the affected muscles and nerves and helping the body to prevent similar issues in the future.

You Can Prevent Lower Crossed Syndrome

Preventing lower crossed syndrome involves making lifestyle changes that promote good posture and spinal health. Some strategies for preventing lower crossed syndrome include the following:

  • Maintaining good posture throughout the day, especially when sitting for long periods
  • Taking frequent breaks from sitting to stretch and move around
  • Strengthening the gluteal and abdominal muscles through targeted exercises
  • Incorporating regular exercise into your routine, including aerobic activity and strength training
  • Seeking chiropractic care to address any underlying spinal imbalances or muscle weaknesses

For many people, lower crossed syndrome can cause chronic pain and discomfort in the lower back, hips, and legs. However, chiropractors like Dr. Thomas Madigan and Dr. Brendan Shanahan can help address the underlying causes of the condition and provide long-lasting relief. If you are experiencing symptoms of lower crossed syndrome, contact Vitality Precision Chiropractic today.