4 Things to Know About Range of Motion

4 Things to Know About Range of Motion

If you’ve ever worked with a chiropractor or physical therapist, you may have heard them talk about improving your range of motion. But what exactly does that mean? Range of motion refers to the flexibility and ease of movement within our bodies that most of us take for granted every day. Illness or injury can greatly impact range of motion in many different joints, which is when you may realize just how important it is. That’s why Rochester Hills chiropractors Dr. Brendan Shanahan and Dr. Thomas Madigan are dedicated to teaching the community about range of motion and restoring it when needed.

Range of Motion Can Be Measured

Range of motion can sometimes be assessed by simply watching a movement or by how we feel about our own flexibility. But professionally, it can be measured through a proper assessment of movement near a specific joint or body part. In addition to showing flexibility, any pain during this movement will also be taken into account. When evaluating you during a first appointment, Dr. Thomas Madigan or Dr. Brendan Shanahan may ask you to perform certain movements to achieve these measurements.

It Affects All Activities Athletes tend to focus on their range of motion, but it’s not just their sports that require it. Everything we do on a daily basis, from brushing our teeth to eating a meal, requires movement in our joints that depend on an adequate range of motion. Only when there is a problem do we notice how crucial these movements are and how much they can help or hinder us each day.

You Can Lose Range of Motion

There are a number of reasons that a person could lose range of motion. For some, simply aging or becoming sedentary is enough to cause some loss of movement over time. Others may suffer from medical conditions like Cerebral Palsy or some forms of arthritis that lead to the loss of range of motion, which can be proactively managed with care at Vitality Precision Chiropractic.

Range of motion may be lost more suddenly when there is an injury. In addition to injuries that directly cause problems with movement, this can also be cyclical. If a person is in pain, stiff, or has a dislocated joint, they may move less, which ultimately creates less opportunity for range of motion to be used. This limited range of motion leaves you more prone to future injuries and more long-term issues with range of motion.



Even in a person with no injury or health condition, a chiropractor can help to retain and improve range of motion. The adjustments that chiropractors perform can both prevent and heal issues and misalignments that may cause a loss of range of motion, or even help the body be better protected against injury.

Not only can chiropractors like those at Vitality Precision Chiropractic identify the cause of these issues, but they also can improve movement through a personalized care plan. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment and begin regaining your range of motion.